
Gym Gyaan

"Gym Freak", a virtual gym trainer.It's an all in one gym stop with all information regarding gym equipment and how to use them
with demonstrative videos. It also has a customized 30 days workout and diet plan. It has a customized workout planner.

Leave Calculator

Now calculate your bunks easier and wiser😏.
Its somewhere into the sem and you are CASUALLY worried about your attendance... well, we all have been there. Here's 'STUN' to your rescue! sooth your queries with just a click!

Mental Health Corner

As all the feelings rush through and then simply leave you in a void; Just write away, express all that you otherwise presume none would listen to... Totally Anonymous

Money Manager

We are in uni, and its oh so obviously pretty broke. Enter: our Money Manager. We got ALL of your finances handles trivial to petty. PS: Your Welcome😌

Student Resourses

All of our sems references sorted!!